The women of GOT are out for blood in “The House Of Black And White”. While Brienne racks up the biggest bodycount, the title refers to the headquarters of the Faceless, where Arya is beginning her apprenticeship in the arts of nothingness. Of course, she already has a head start on becoming a murderess, as while she only crosses off a pigeon this week (though in ruthlessly efficient way that demonstrates how much more formidable she’s become since we saw her chasing them in the first season), her list of names has gotten noticeably shorter – just Cersei, The Mountain, Walder Frey, and Meryn Trant. I’m not sure how Roose Bolton and Ilyn Payne managed to slip off, but that should still be plenty to occupy her for a couple seasons.
The return of Jaqen is welcome (because obviously) as is the added
glimpses of Braavos, probably the most intriguing corner of this world
that has gone largely unexplored. You can tell it’s new because the
theme music when entering is surprisingly jaunty from a show whose
normal musical palette varies between ominous and straight up dirge. It
contributes to a different feel from anywhere we’ve been, but with a
scale and look that is better realized than Astapor or Qarth; the
season’s increased budget is perhaps more noticeable in the dragon
effects, but since those scenes haven’t thus far added up to much in
story terms, I appreciate it more when it’s building out the setting.
Although I do like the subtext of the dragons entering
their snotty teenage years and acting out against mom
WHOA!!! Calm down there, big guy
“Not even get a mention??? That’s such…it…that’s fair. I mean,
I can’t even remember my full name at this point.”
Or Jon Snow. That bastard gets his greatest wish granted, his father’s
name, and the chance to rule the North in it*. But he’s too much a Stark
to actually be a Stark, not when it would mean breaking his vow to the
Night’s Watch. But even if he’s not Lord of Winterfell, he is the new
Lord Commander of the Watch, in a twist that I can’t believe I didn’t
see coming at all. Following a rousing stump speech (which goes
delightfully negative on the useless Janos) by Sam, Jon is suddenly
catapulted to a position of power that has the potential to put him even
more at odds with Stannis than ever. Things at the Wall are happening
at a faster clip than they ever have before, and along with the addition
of Stannis’s crew and Jon’s increased self-possession, it has made
that, if not my favorite part of the show, at least pull ahead of the
stuff in Mereen.
Over there, Barristan convinces her not to give in to her genetic bloodlust, but she ends up having to take the head she didn’t want instead of the Harpy’s she did. He unknowingly echoes the same thing that Bronn tells his fiancĂ©e, which Jon also suggests to Stannis: cruelty may be a tempting way for a ruler to maintain control, respect, or at least the feeling of the same, but it has a way of breeding as many enemies as it suppresses. Bronn may not really believe in the crude form of karma he describes, but even in a world where nobility tends to breed decapitation, meanness does have a way of coming around.
Now if it would just come around faster. Is it Sunday yet?
Oh, come on!
*I know the theory, not going to discuss it until it comes up in the show
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