If season 6 had a subtitle, it would be the Greyjoys’ daily affirmation that “what is dead may never die”. Not only are characters resurrecting, but plotlines that had seemingly flatlined are returning left and right. This week, Benjen Stark resurfaces after a full 5 years. Walder Frey and Edmure Tully pop up for the first time since the Red Wedding, with the Blackfish to follow. Bronn and the Brotherhood Without Banners are name-checked, Drogon comes back to Dany, and the return of Needle indicates that A Girl may not be dead, but Arya Stark will rise again, harder and stronger.
There were some that predicted Benjen’s return after last week, since Bran was going to need some saving pronto. The more surprising aspect is that he has apparently gone through the vegan version of Frankenmountain’s high fructose zombifying, courtesy of the kiddos of the forest. They have apparently worked out the kinks in the process that created the Night King, and it’s hard to argue the results as he smashes zombies with his flaming flail. But I would like some context as to why they are still shoving obsidian into men’s hearts and hoping for the best, when it seems like they are still dealing with the fallout of the first time they tried it 2000 years later.
If at first you don’t succeed, just keep creating potentially apocalyptic threats
Across the sea, Bran’s sister is getting glimpses of the past in the form of the play she takes in again, before having a last minute change of heart about poisoning Lady Crane. Her decision to “change the writing” of her assignment was inevitable, but I did not think it would come this early. If she decides to join the traveling acting troupe, she could end up performing for the royal court of Mereen before long. That would be good because it would connect another major character with a conflicting agenda to the Mereen storyline, but bad because extended subplots about actors or characters dabbling in the creative arts made up some of the worst parts of great HBO shows like Deadwood and The Sopranos, but also maybe good just because it will be amusing to see how Tyrion and Joffrey’s depictions are tweaked when performed in front of the dwarf and his boss.
Also, I could probably watch another dozen or so reenactments
of Joffrey’s death before I stopped giggling in delight each time
But before we get to any of that, she has to reckon with the House of Black and White. The waif is (relatively) ecstatic about Arya’s failure to complete her task, as it allows her to get the green light to murder the little lady. But our girl has some surprises in store. Firstly, the waif doesn’t know she still has Needle and is apt to bring a stick to a swordfight, and secondly Arya has cannily chosen to wait for the blowback in a pitch black crypt, and only one of them has experience fighting blind. There will still be Jaqen to deal with, of course, but A Girl has stolen faces before. And A Man may not be wary enough to ask for two forms of ID when the waif comes back reporting that of course I killed that little nuisance, yes sir, I have the body right here, why don’t you bend down and take a closer look?
If Arya turning against the Faceless happened sooner than expected, the promised showdown with the Sparrows is deferred in highly frustrating fashion. Instead of seeing the Tyrells storming the sept and Frankemountain unleashed, Marge acts unilaterally to convince Tommen to capitulate to the Faith even more expressly than he has been previously. The show seems to be teasing the possibility that Marge’s conversion is sincere, but I’m not biting. She has always been adept at transforming into what the men around her need to see, it’s just taken her awhile to triangulate something that would work for the Sparrow, the king and her brother. And that means playing temporarily devout in order to free herself and Loras, even to Tommen, because he is too simple to maintain the deception on his own. This cuts the knees out from under her family’s rescue attempt, though, further legitimizing the Sparrows, and getting Jaime ejected from the Kingsguard in the process, in a scene that recalls Joffrey’s dismissal of Baristan Selmy way back when. Cersei is surprisingly sanguine about all this, convinced that her upcoming trial by combat is a cinch with the Mountain as her champion (gods, that is going to go so very wrong for her) and that Jaime will cut a more impressive figure at the head of an army than a one-armed bodyguard.
You got lucky, twerp, but your time will come
But let’s close out by talking of more positive things, like Gilly and Sam’s Meet The Parents adventure. It’s unfortunate that we couldn’t get Hornhill added to the credits, particularly since The Wall and Mereen didn’t even appear, but oh well. Randall Tarly lives up to his stern reputation, as Sam’s old man seems like he would have gotten along famously with Tywin Lannister or Roose Bolton. But Gilly is no stranger to horrible fathers, and she’s got steel in her that no frilly dress can obscure. She touts Sam’s not-inconsiderable achievements as a warrior, but papa Tarly is more interesting in body-shaming than hearing about how never mind the mythical creatures he’s killed, Sam also helped fight off a hundred thousand wildlings.
“They told me killing wildlings was good cardio.”
Subplot Report Card:
Braavos: A-
Wargin’: B
King’s Landing: B (great acting from the Lannisters, as usual, but balls are getting dangerously blue at this point)
Sam: B+
Dany: C (Shouting in fictional languages is Emilia Clarke’s best look, but for my money the image of the Dothraki kneeling that closed last week established her dominion over the horde more effectively and economically. Don’t do stuff just to do it, show.)
Season Morgulis: Doran Martell, Trystane Martell, Areo Hotah, Roose Bolton, Walda Bolton, Balon Greyjoy, (-Jon Snow), Shaggydog, Bowen Marsh, Othell Yarwyck, Alister Thorne, Olly, Osha, Khal Moro, Euron Greyjoy (-Euron Greyjoy), Summer, Leaf The Child Of The Forest, The Wargist Formerly Known As The Three Eyed Raven, HODOR
MIA: I think I’m going to retire this bit, as with the return of Walder Frey, the Blackfish, Edmure and even longlost Benjen, it’s really only Gendry and Arya’s wolf that still seem genuinely forgotten. So I will just say that I have appreciated the respite from Ramsay these last 2 weeks.
Death Watch: I’m fucking horrible at this, obviously. I would’ve bet the farm that this episode would have the highest body count of the season, with at least 3 named characters going down. Instead, this may be the first episode where no one, not even an extra, is killed. In any case, it seems like the King’s Landing situation has been taken down to a low boil for the moment, so I’m going to switch it up and say…Grey Worm, but only because the waif seems like too much of a gimme.
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