(This piece was originally published on Chud.com)
I mentioned last time that I don’t think of Breaking Bad as a
particularly slow show. At least not in the sense that we usually mean
when we say that, which is that the overall plot moves slowly, that
entire episodes go by just spinning the wheels, and there are sections
of a season where you look back and say “nothing happened” (hiya, Lost). What Breaking Bad has is episodes
that move very slowly , because it loves to let scenes play out in
quiet, languid fashion. I don’t know where I could check up on such a
thing, but I’d be willing to bet that BB averages fewer individual scenes or cuts per episode than about any show this side of In Treatment by a long shot.
But stuff is always happening on BB. The episodes
themselves may unfold deliberately, but by the end there has almost
always been a significant development of some sort, and really the show
goes through a tremendous amount of plot in a season without losing the
feeling that it is a thoughtful character-driven piece. What I love so
much about the pace is that it is completely unpredictable; major
storylines will suddenly lurch forward at times when the typical
seasonal structure dictates they should be idling. The way it
consistently employs those long, quiet scenes builds tension because you
are never sure which one is going to suddenly explode into a complete
But yeah, things do happen on the show. The first season would’ve
been about what I expected if Walt had gotten his diagnosis, decided to
cook meth, hooked up with Jesse, cooked the first batch, met his first
dealer, had them turn on him, and then he managed to turn things around
and kill them. But all that happened in the first episode. Our
protagonist even attempts suicide to boot (and as an aside, how many
shows would have the confidence to not only do that in the pilot but to
play it a a comic note?). Then Tuco gets introduced, and it seems like
he will be the Big Bad for season 2. But then he’s abducting our
heroes in the premiere and dead by episode 2. Walt and Jesse have the
Heisenpire up and servicing most of the city by the halfway point, only
to have it collapse by episode 10. Skyler deduces Walt’s secret with
little prompting in the 3rd season premiere, rather than at the climax
as we might expect. Gus shows up at the end of 2 and looks like he
might be the new Bad Guy, but he’s actually pretty benevolent as far as
drug lords go for a long time. The Cousins pop up and we think “ah,
okay, these are the new bad guys, they’ll spend the season slowly
circling in on Walt and get taken out in the finale.” Then they’re in
his bedroom in episode 2 and out of the picture with 6 episodes
The unpredictability of the pace keeps you continually off guard. Such that in any other show (okay, except maybe The Sopranos),
when the scene in “Fly” comes up where a drugged up Walter looks to be
on the verge of helping Jesse take a fatal fall, I would be certain that
he wouldn’t do it just because if you were going to go there, that’s a season finale-sized development. But with BB…man,
in that moment, I was not sure at all. There are rumors swirling
around that the 5th season premiere has some unspecified crazy plot
twist, and I’m fairly convinced that either Hank or Marie (I’m hoping
for the latter, just so we can have a few episodes of her trying to keep
a secret) will find out the truth about Heisenberg right off the bat.
How about them Cousins, eh? I guess some people didn’t particularly
like them because they are so arch they feel like they stepped out of a
horror movie. I don’t agree, as I found them incredibly scary and a not
completely outlandish ramping up of the show’s consistent noir-ish
sensibilities. So….yeah, I guess that’s about it. Works for me.
Also ramped up this season are the show’s undertones of black humor.
So much so that they aren’t even undertones anymore, but the basis for
entire darkly comic setpieces like Walt’s confrontation and macing by
the highway cop, or his hysterical, impotent attempt to confront Ted
about the affair, or a sizeable portion of “Fly”, or the school
assembly. That assembly is fantastic top to bottom, but my favorite bit
is probably when the principal, right after telling the students they
can say anything, no judgments, quietly admonishes a girl to “keep it
secular, please” when she asks how God could let this happen. Hell, in
his first scene back our “hero” accidentally sets himself on fire and
tumbles into the pool along with a grill and several hundred thousand in
cash. It seems like now that they know that we can accept Walt as a
badass, the show has more confidence in making him a figure of fun for
extended periods. This obviously plays to Cranston’s strengths as a
comic actor (his Hal on Malcolm In The Middle is an all-time classic sitcom character, imo).
As far as clean up episodes go, “I See You” is not as good as “Bit By
A Dead Bee”, as it tries to build tension out of whether Hank will
live, when for all of its unconventional aspects, even this show is not
going to have a major character scrape his way out of a climactic
gunfight at the end of one episode just to have him die on the operating
table in the next one. Also, as much as I love Jonathan Banks’
performance as Mike, it leans pretty heavily on transitioning him from a
no-nonsense problem solver to some sort of utterly unflappable,
paramilitary Bourne-type. I mean, cleaning up a house after an
overdose? Sure, I can buy that a 60 year old ex-cop is suited to that
task. But when he’s carrying out one-man raids on cartel strongholds
and executing cloak and dagger assassinations under the nose of an
entire office worth of federal agents without breaking a sweat? That
strains credibility, imo. Still, the episode does allow Betsy Brandt to
finally stretch Marie’s characterization, and she makes the most of it.
So, I was saying last time that Walt’s moral failing is how he
eschews responsibility for the various atrocities that spiral out from
his actions. Season 3 picks up on this, with both Jesse in the early
going and Hank after he delivers his beatdown providing sharp contrasts
to his prodigious excuse-making abilities. Jesse flat out tells him in
the premiere that you have to face the things you’ve done, to which
Walter replies that there are too many variables in the plane crash for
him to feel responsible, and ultimately, “I blame the government.”
Hank’s crisis in “One Minute” doesn’t confront Walt so directly, but
proves him to be a much bigger man than Heisenberg. Marie tries to
convince him to lie to make things easier on himself, and it would be
all too easy for him to go along with it. Hank, though, is having none
of it even if he was initially the wronged party, insisting that however
he was pushed, “I’m supposed to be better than that.” Hey, Walt, take
note. It really is exactly that simple.
This has been one of the most fascinating angles of the show;
watching Hank and Walt slide obliviously past each other on the
traditional scale of masculinity. Walt began the show as an ineffectual
omega-male, and as he has taken control of his life and pursued his
interests more aggressively, he has turned into a massively destructive,
increasingly malevolent force in the lives of all who know him.
Whereas Hank started out as a caricature of swaggering machismo, but has
become more and more sympathetic as his increasing vulnerability and
emotional weaknesses were exposed. At his frailest moments, he
demonstrates a strength of character that we never would’ve suspected
from the blustery, tasteless fool of the pilot. In a weird way, he is
the only character on the show who has “broken good”, as they literally
had to break him to find out that he is deep down a good person with
honest-to-God standards for himself.
Do I need to explain how great the final two episodes are, as things
come to a head between Walt, Jesse and Gus? Probably not, as they are
as thrilling and twisty and weighty as TV gets. So I will wrap up by
pointing out two smaller things that stood out to me. One is how
brilliant that final twist is, because having seen Walter’s moral decay
in such intimate detail, watched him one-down himself time after time, I
fully bought in the moment that he would actually sell out Jesse in a
pathetic attempt to buy himself a little more time to live. The other
is that they do a terrific job of showing Skyler break bad in a
believable fashion on a much more compressed timeframe than we had for
Walt. If there was any doubt that she was headed down the exact same
path as her husband, it is dispelled in “Half Measure” when she insists
on enacting her own money laundering plan rather than just playing dumb,
saying that she’d rather everyone know she is a criminal than think
that she was just that big an idiot. If Breaking Bad is
consistent about anything, it’s that bad, bad things happen very, very
quickly when you stop committing crimes out of pragmatism and start
doing it out of pride.
Holy shit, did I not even mention how good Giancarlo Esposito is as Gus? Wow.
Estimated Profits: ~$290000 – $10000 (RV disposal) +
~1,000,000 (most of a Walt’s 3 month contract) – $20000 (est. for
Hank’s physical therapy = ~$1.25 million
Murders – Emilio, Krazy 8, Jane, two of Gus’s dealers, Gale
Lesser Included Offenses – Driving with a broken
windshield, resisting arrest. Other than the murder and conspiracy and
drug trafficking, Walt actually behaves himself fairly well this year.
Collateral Damage – One innocent janitor loses his
job and goes to jail on a bullshit marijuana charge. Hank had to kill a
guy, giving him fairly severe PTSD. Combo was killed dealing for
Walt. Jane’s father’s life is utterly ruined. 167 passengers on two
planes are dead. Skyler is forced to become an accessory after
the fact (or take down her son, sister and brother-in-law with Walt). 3
broken Pontiac Aztek windshields. Jesse’s RV is destroyed (I’m
actually suprised how sad I was to see it go, since it’s not like it
hosted a ton of good times or anything). On their mission to kill
Heisenberg, the Cousins kill 9 illegal immigrants and their coyote, an
old woman with a handicap-accessible van, a grocery-shopping bystander,
an Indian woman and the Reservation sheriff that investigates. Also
they shoot Hank multiple times, forcing him through a long, painful
physical therapy process. Andrea’s kid brother is murdered by Gus’s
dealers due to trouble Jesse and Walt stirred up. Jesse murders Gale,
crushing him with guilt and destroying his hard-fought sobriety.
Sequences To Make Hitchcock Proud: Walt takes a
shower in “Caballo Sin Nombre”, Hank tries to force his way into the RV
in “Sunset” (the bullet holes casting beams of sunlight on Walt as Hank
removes the tape is a particularly excellent touch), the titular
sequence in “One Minute” (holy shit, that sequence!), Walt is marched to
his execution in “Full Measure”
Heisenberg Certainty Principle – “Run.”
Best Lie – Skyler’s story about Walt making his
money gambling. Even Walt is practically slack-jawed watching her spin
this tale, amazed at how much of his strange behavior it accounts for,
at least to a credulous person like Marie.
It’s not a lie exactly, but Gus’s speech to Walter about how “a man
provides, even when he is not appreciated” is a brilliantly-calculated
bit of manipulation. Walt’s pride is extremely bruised at that point,
but still a potent enough force to get him to do exactly what he’s
insisted he wouldn’t for 4 episodes.
Official Walter Jr. Breakfast Count: 11 (“Pilot”,
“Cat’s In The Bag”, “Gray Matter”, “Crazy Handful of Nothin”, “Down”,
“Negro y Azul”, “Over” x2, “ABQ”, “No Mas”, “Green Light”)
Also five dinners (“Caballo Sin Nombre”, “I.F.T”, “Mas”, “Abiquiu”,
and “Half Measure”), plus one mid-afternoon grilled cheese (“Caballo Sin
We Are Done, Professionally – Walt’s attempt to go
clean at the start of the season marks the 4th professional estrangement
between monseiurs Heisenberg and Diesel, who are fully at each others
throats in episodes 5 and 6. They are back together by episode 7.
It’s The Little Things – Having everyone wearing the
blue ribbons to commemorate the 50th (tied) worst air disaster in
history for the first few episodes is a great macabre touch. Walt’s
incredible pizza toss.
The veggie trays Gus fastidiously lays out before each of his drug
meetings. Saul’s big bin of neck-braces he keeps on hand for clients.
The stupid little dance Jesse does at the end of this clip. The musical montage of a day in the life of Wendy the meth-ed out prostitute.
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